ok... there has been way too much crap this week. when i say crap i don't mean 'stuff', i mean '
dookie'. and so, i am beyond frustrated with pretty much everything right now...
random fact #1: i had a really good talk last weekend and was pretty much glowing from it. now i know more and understand more. this is good and it's bad. the frustrating part is the non-communication since then. *sigh* all in time i guess...
also, this is why my facebook status says: sometimes in life, you can't say some things out loud... SEND HINTS!!
random fact #2: my son's dad got back from
iraq last weekend. so the boy has been with him since
monday afternoon.
i've been pretty angry with him for not making any kind of effort to contact the boy while away.
i'm really hoping that he makes it up to him now that he's back.
random fact #3: i had a fender bender on wed morning on the way to work. it wasn't my fault, but the cop was still a total d* about it. i guess i have a negative effect on female cops... ugh!
random fact #4: it's getting to be high time that i start making some more decisions in my life.
grrr... but i don't want to be a responsible adult right now. i know!
random fact #5: apparently,
i'm getting really good at making hot chocolate come out of my nose. thought you should know, it kinda hurts.
anywho, hope you all have a great weekend! at this point, anything is an improvement on this
craptastic week...