Sunday, November 27, 2011


we all want to be loved and desired.

it's plain and simple.

i'm tired and my body aches, but my friend needs me right now. so i'm putting rest aside today.

to my lovelies: #1

i wrote you an email. i'll be writing more over time and publishing as i can.

dear lovelies,
i haven't posted for MONTHS and it's driving me absolutely nuts! it's kinda complicated as to why.

a quick list of some of the reasons:

i met a guy that started as my friend and then became more for about minute. not something i had planned for, it just kinda happened.
said guy's brother passed away suddenly and everything turned to sh*.
i moved, again.
issues with the kidlets.
issues with friend.
sickness... lots of sickness.

and i've been trying to recuperate ever since.

these days my soul is tired.