Sunday, February 21, 2010

it's all about connecting the dots...

i think i need this sign printed for my front door... hahaha...

last week i spent either sick or running around like a crazy person trying to get things squared away for my trip...
yes, i'm going on a trip. after the afore mentioned sucktastic start to my year, i'm going on a girl's trip to vegas next month. i'm so excited about it! it's only gonna be a long weekend, but geeze do i need to get out of my little hole for a couple days. so yay for that!

this weekend was great! friday night i met lb and her kidlets for dinner. it was nice to catch up. i hadn't seen her in a couple of months.
saturday was nice and relaxing. i luxuriated in the fact that i could hang out in my pjs half the day and look at catalogs, or just whatever i wanted to do. i made some awesome salad for lunch and pasta that night that i will be posting about later.

again out of the blue, fr stopped by. we were able to sit down and talk. he's got a lot going on and a lot of things to deal with. i get it now. i feel better about things.

i've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what i have and what i want. while i have male friends and friends that are trying to hook me up with their male friends, i don't think i want that. to elaborate, i don't want a relationship for the sake of being in one.
i'm really starting to see how nice it is to just be me. 'me' is fun and funny and so many other things. i really like that i don't have to cater to anyone else. and how i can do what i want. i like sleeping in my own bed by myself.
yes, it's nice to have someone to come home to and to do all the things that couples do. but like i've said before, everything comes with a price. i know i waiver on this, and i probably will for a while, or at least until i find a situation that i like. i do get lonely and i'm not made of stone, ya know.

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